
So You Think You Have ADHD…Conversing About ADHD

Posted by Matt Hoag, Ph.D. on April 24, 2015 | 3 comment(s)

1matt resizedADHD or ADD and their symptoms have become so pervasive in the common vernacular that many feel like they can spot it and diagnose it! You may have heard people say things like, “I am having an ADHD moment” or “I am so ADD!” as they express frustration or humor at a behavioral misstep in their lives. Difficulty sitting still, paying attention, or being impulsive occurs for many of us. Our culture has become oriented to always being entertained as we often retreat to mobile phones or social media ‘fixes’ to soothe ourselves. However, for a number of children and adults, these difficulties are significant enough to interfere with their daily functioning (e.g., at school, work, or home, and in social situations) and require intervention of some sort.

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Professionals Share About Their FITS Conference Experiences

Posted by Rick Heizer, MS, Owner & Executive Director at Evoke Therapy Programs on April 21, 2015 | 1 comment(s)

Rick Heizer 17This month Evoke hosted the 2nd Annual FITS Conference, the Forum for Innovative Treatment Solutions. The goal of this forum is to bring together great minds and leaders in the treatment community to improve outcomes. Attended by educational consultants and professionals from the treatment industry, participants come to interact with expert panels from the fields of mental health and addiction.

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A Staff's Gratitude for Evoke at Entrada

Posted by Rebecca Beebe, Level 5 Mentor Field Staff on April 15, 2015 | 3 comment(s)

Group arms around eachother croppedHaving recently spent a fair bit of time away from Evoke at Entrada, I've come to realize even more how much I appreciate working here. I realize that the support and appreciation of employees at Entrada is something I've not seen nearly as much in many of the other places I've worked or volunteered. 

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Gratitude for the Parent Intensives

Posted by Letter from a Parent on April 08, 2015 | 1 comment(s)

Dear Brad,

My wife and I expected to benefit greatly from our intensive but I have to say how surprised I was by how much we received from all of you and our experience. There is a lightness in both our being that comes from laying down burdens we didn't know we carried so heavily. Even in the midst of my stressful first day back at work, I feel a presence and mindfulness. The importance of a centering spiritual practice was made so clear to us, and we heard it. So everyday we can now face the challenge of bringing what we felt and learned into the stresses of the front country. We learned just how important process is and how it continues forever. Thanks to Gerard, Elise and Dan who helped guide and nurture us in the field.

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Special Holiday Meals in The Wilderness

Posted by Ed Coombs, Warehouse Coordinator on April 03, 2015 | 4 comment(s)

Ed In the wilderness, few things are more important than food.  Beyond the necessary calories to sustain life, food, and the preparation of meals, can become a substantial part of group culture.  It can be a time for clients to come together and work as one, or it can be a source of upset and difficulty as personalities and opinions come into conflict, and it happens every single day.  Groups look forward to and/or dread the question, “what are we making for dinner?”  Experience and memories are regularly served, along with beans and rice.

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The Process of Learning & Exploring

Posted by Paul Goddard, Ph.D. on April 01, 2015 | 0 comment(s)

Think for a moment – who are some of the mentors that have made the greatest difference in your life?  Who has impacted the person you are today?  Parents?  Teachers?  Coaches?  Friends?  Reflecting on the influence of these people often evokes both gratitude and nostalgia. 

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Reflections on Empowerment

Posted by Caitlin Tharaldson on March 16, 2015 | 0 comment(s)

I was overwhelmed with gratitude and connection to my clients’ empowerment after I walked up to my group this past Tuesday to begin the week’s therapy sessions. With a few new inches of snow on the group, patches of boot deep mud, and a biting chill in the air, a new wintery environment had finally happened after weeks of unseasonable warmth in Evoke at Entrada’s field area. As I arrived, the clients were stocking wood as a part of a service project at the Oasis. Upon approaching the group, I heard outcries of positivity from many of them. Multiple clients yelled out to me, saying, “Caitlin! We hiked so much this week through tons of snow!” and “This week was so hard! We made it!” with smiles on their faces and strength in their voices as they methodically created a woodpile next to the wood-burning stove in the yurt where they sleep.

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Finding Your Child: How Wilderness Therapy Provides an Unprecedented Container for Healing

Posted by Cassidy Miller, M.A. on March 09, 2015 | 1 comment(s)

Cassidy Miller 6374All of the stories and cases that I can think of—those that have impacted the way that I conceptualize therapy and what works and how I "do" what I "do"— boil down to a few basic themes. Within each theme there is one glaring force that trumps all. That is, the quality and nature of the relationship I had with each person that came my way.

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