Evoke Intensives KRS10193 cropped

Intensives for Couples & Parents

Emotional intimacy is a basic human need. Rediscover connection in your marriage and work towards more effective parenting.

Finding Connection (Couples Intimacy)

​​Finding Connection helps couples build skills for greater intimacy, connect deeper, and take the steps to begin healing their relationship.

This is a private intensive that is set up individually, contact to schedule with an Evoke enrollment specialist. Call today: 866.411.6600

“... a safe place for me to express myself and “see” my husband in a way I haven’t seen him in years. I learned tools for better communication and a framework to better understand healthy relationships. I hope I can continue to use these things in my everyday life...” - Lynne

Finding Connection Workshop

the Finding Connection Workshop is a retreat for couples to attend with other couples. If you are in conflict, feeling stuck, at a crossroads, or just hoping to accelerate your personal and collective growth through an immersive multi-couples workshop, this is for you.

Upcoming Finding Connection Workshop

  • September 25th-29th (one spot left)

For more information, call us at 866.411.6600 or email us at intesnsives@evoketherapy.com.


Finding Clarity (Co-parenting)

Finding Clarity is a workshop for two individuals or a couple who want to be successful at co-parenting.

This is a private intensive that is set up individually, contact to schedule with an Evoke enrollment specialist. Call today: 866.411.6600

“It was a traumatic experience learning that the pain and shame that I kept locked inside, believing them to be a part of me I needed to figure out how to shed or get rid of, cannot be left behind. I was guided to see this pain and experience processing it as a part of me that I must embrace. Frankly, it was nothing short of transformational.” —Anonymous

Couples Intensives FAQs

Find hope and healing. Call 866.411.6600

"The Finding Connection Intensive was an incredible experience that I will never regret investing in. This Intensive not only benefited us both personally but also brought us closer together and gave us the experience and tools to help us be better parents." —Sheila