
Coming Down the Mountain – Intensive Outpatient Programs as an Aftercare Option

Posted by Nancy Brittain, MSW, Sandstone Care on May 09, 2016 | 0 comment(s)

Nancy Web Quality 1 of 3 e1445925847143As a former Wilderness Therapy guide, I have seen firsthand the power of the wilderness to transform and empower clients and families. I often marveled at the transformation of students from the day that they enter the wilderness, guarded and hurting, to the strong, sun-kissed and beaming people who graduated with a light in their eyes. We watched these students pile into cars and drive off into the rest of their lives — hopeful for their futures and the gifts they would bring to the world.

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My Experience at FITS

Posted by Tian Dayton, Ph.D. on May 03, 2016 | 0 comment(s)

Tian HeadshotMy mind is filled with pleasant recollections of my time spent in Salt Lake in this very unique conference. The atmosphere created by the conference hosts felt alive with learning, I enjoyed going to other’s presentations as much as presenting myself.

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Evoke Field Staff is Awarded "Excellence in Service Award" At The Southwest Regional NATSAP Conference

Posted by Katelyn Bevard, Field Director at Entrada on April 29, 2016 | 3 comment(s)

Katelyn BeVardAs the Field Director, I oversee the development and work of Field Instructors at Evoke at Entrada. Because I spent two years in the field as an instructor myself, I understand how difficult it can be to explain how much goes into the job and the level of dedication it takes. Field Instructors play one of the most important parts in the treatment of our clients and their work is difficult to describe and can go unrecognized outside of our company. Because of this, we jumped on the recent opportunity to nominate Cara Dunn to be recognized with the Excellence in Service award presented by National Therapeutic Schools and Programs at their Southwest Regional Conference held in Saint George, Utah. It came as no surprise that she was selected as the winner.

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Posted by Elise Mitchell, BS, RYT, Health and Wellness Coordinator at Entrada on April 19, 2016 | 8 comment(s)

Elise MitchellSitting down to write, I can smell that distinct smell of wet creosote. It’s raining in the distance. That smell – wet earth and turpentine – is either alluring or repulsive based on personal experience. For me, it means 30 years of coming back to the desert when I’m feeling happy, sad, overwhelmed… any time I need to feel my roots under me again. Yes, the desert is my home.

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Igniting Fires of Change

Posted by Mike Swartz, M.Ed., Assistant Field Director / Recruiter on April 08, 2016 | 0 comment(s)

Mike Swartz1It is amusing to me how certain things in this world can be given so much value by us, take a busting set for example. Nothing more than a few sticks and rocks, my busting set has had a place of display in my house for years and has often been a conversation piece with visitors to my home. While sharing with them about my journey it can be hard to truly convey how important that pile of sticks and rocks are to me.

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Spring Holidays in the Wilderness at Entrada

Posted by Ed Coombs, MA, M.Ed., Warehouse Coordinator on March 31, 2016 | 0 comment(s)

Ed Coombs 102At Evoke at Entrada, we can (and do) handle a variety of dietary challenges, ranging from nut allergies and gluten or lactose intolerance, to vegetarian and vegan diets. Our participants have two food restocks (or divies) a week: Tuesday/Staff change, and Friday/Meat Night. Occasionally, we get to do something different, and this last weekend was different.

This past weekend was Easter, and we sent out items that were beyond our standard fare; all groups received Roast Beef, Ham, Tofurkey, Red Potatoes, Carrots, and Dinner Rolls for the holiday feast. For Easter Eggs, we sent out plastic eggs, as well as fresh eggs with commercial dyeing kits and natural dyeing materials (Red onion skins, Yellow onion skins, Red cabbage, Beets, Red Zinger Tea, and Turmeric).

The Wilderness can bring up different meaning about holidays for our participants. They can be a touchstone to remind them of home, a springboard to propel them forward, or just a break in the routine. I remember Easter of 2004 when I was in the field and dyed eggs and had an Easter Egg Hunt with a group of adolescent boys; it was exciting to see them be able to have fun and make different memories in the field. My hope is that holidays in the wilderness can be used to build upon the new tools, skills, and goals that participants can gain during their time at Evoke.

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Will My Child Forgive Me?

Posted by Brad Reedy, Ph.D., Owner & Clinical Director on March 18, 2016 | 4 comment(s)

Evoke Brad Headshot 3 of 3This is one of the most common questions parents ask when contemplating a child’s emotional reaction to a Wilderness Therapy or long-term rehab intervention. Often, the questions center around whether the child will forgive, will feel abandoned, or will hate the parent. Will your child forgive you if you take away his car, don't let him back into the house, or don't support him financially? These questions tug deeply at the heart of each parent; nothing is so precious as the relationship with one’s child, and the fear of losing that relationship is truly frightening. Ultimately, the parent is asking about whether or not the child will abandon them. And this fear is evidence of a wound from the parent’s own childhood, one that will require their attention as they press forward with the stated goal of helping their child out of mental health or addiction issues.

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