Evoke Field Staff is Awarded "Excellence in Service Award" At The Southwest Regional NATSAP Conference

Posted by Katelyn Bevard, Field Director at Entrada on April 29, 2016

Katelyn BeVardAs the Field Director, I oversee the development and work of Field Instructors at Evoke at Entrada. Because I spent two years in the field as an instructor myself, I understand how difficult it can be to explain how much goes into the job and the level of dedication it takes. Field Instructors play one of the most important parts in the treatment of our clients and their work is difficult to describe and can go unrecognized outside of our company. Because of this, we jumped on the recent opportunity to nominate Cara Dunn to be recognized with the Excellence in Service award presented by National Therapeutic Schools and Programs at their Southwest Regional Conference held in Saint George, Utah. It came as no surprise that she was selected as the winner.

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Her nomination:

Cara has been a Field Instructor with Evoke at Entrada for approximately six years. She is unquestionably our most passionate and energetic staff. When I think of Cara I think of enthusiasm, passion, loyalty, dedication, insight and authenticity. Cara’s laugh is unmistakable and her smile contagious. Not only does she invest her whole self in the job while she is in the field, she also spends time on her off shifts giving the management team feedback on staff she has worked with and creates new resources for staff to reference. Cara has been invested and committed to the work we do since she joined us in 2010. It has been a gift to watch her grow and watch her foster growth in her peers and the clients she works with. I can’t think of a person more deserving of this award.


Quotes from her peers:

“Cara has done some of the best processing of the LOA assignment I have ever seen in my career as a wilderness therapist.”

“I didn’t realize how fun this job could be until I worked with Cara.”

“Cara is a joy to work with because of how invested and enthusiastic she is about the job.”

“She inspired me to think outside of the box and use all the resources we have.”

“Seeing her energy inspires me to do better.”

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We are so proud of Cara and the work she does with our clients on a weekly basis!


This is so awesome! Cara is so deserving of this recognition and is a leader and example to all of us here at Evoke. Cara consistently gives her heart and soul to the clients she works with. You rock Cara, thank you for all you do!

Posted by Rick

Cara!!!! I miss G4. Love you so much. Tell Lola Jenkins precious angel from above that I miss her too.

Posted by Rachael Greenlee

Awesome! Great work Cara! Of course we all knew this about you!

The G3 boys are consistently using your Letter of Accountability outline when they do their letters. It makes the LOA process so much more efficient for them.

Thanks for all your great work!

Posted by Matt

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