Attachment-Based Therapy: A Master Class for Professionals

Attachment-Based Therapy: Navigating Resistance, Transference and Counter-Transference

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Join Dr. Brad Reedy to learn about the concepts of transference and counter-transference and their contribution to psychotherapy and outcomes. Therapists will come away with a deeper understanding of what it means to provide clients with a reparative experience in therapy. Dr. Brad Reedy will explain the medicine required to heal attachment wounds and complex trauma and “How the therapist sees, hears, and feels about the client makes the biggest impact on the client’s experience.”

Related topics will include:

  • Shame and the myth of the Virtue of Guilt
  • Projective Identification
  • Personal and Diagnostic Transference and Counter Transference
  • Working with clients in long-term therapy and short-term therapy
  • How a therapist’s eagerness to fix can re-injure the clients primal wounds
  • How to run supervision sessions based on the principles of transference and counter-transference
  • When and why to offer directives, termination of therapy, and referrals to other psychotherapists
  • Understanding the differences required for effective individual therapy vs. couples/family therapy

December 6th, 2024

9:30 AM - 4:30 PM MST

Virtual link provided after registration

Cost: $250

This class is worth 6-CE credits.

For additional questions or to reserve a spot for this class contact:

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