
Posted by Elise Mitchell on August 04, 2014

Pranayama is the Yogic art of breathing. Prana = vital energy, ayama = extension. The practice of pranayama helps bring awareness to the breath bringing the mind to the present moment. The exercise of refining the inhale and exhale can have an extraordinary effect on mood, promoting relaxation, focus, clarity. In the Yogic tradition, the breath is often referred to as a communication with the soul or the vehicle of the soul. Developing a greater understanding and awareness of our breath helps develop a greater awareness of the soul as well. Through the years I’ve been teaching Yoga, the most surprising thing I’ve learned is how profoundly the breath can relieve stress and anxiety with just the simplest practices. Here is one pranayama technique we practiced this week at the Oasis. Try it for yourself!

Pranayama is the beginning of the withdrawal from the external engagement of the mind and senses. That is why it brings peacefulness.
B.K.S. Iyengar, Light on Life

Nadhi Shodhana/Alternate nostril breathing

This breath technique helps to calm the mind by bringing balance to the two hemispheres of the brain. Can be used when the mind is racing, being too rigid/analytical. It can be used when you are feeling to “checked-out” or not present. This technique mimics a natural rhythm that the body generates already. Every seven minutes on nostril becomes more or less dominant than the other. Doing this helps stabilize and balance air flow and pressure around the brain. There exists anecdotal evidence this technique can help with headaches

  • hand e1407180013764With right hand, close index and middle finger.
  • Place thumb on top of right nostril, ring finger on left nostril.hand
  • Use only gentle pressure at the place where cartilage meets bone

nostril breathing

  • nostril breathing e1407180315407Inhale completely, shut off left nostril
  • Exhale through right nostril
  • Inhale through right nostril
  • Pause breath at the top, close off right nostril and open left
  • Exhale completely through left nostril
  • Inhale through left nostril
  • Pause at the top, close off left nostril and open right
  • Repeat for 10 cycles or more
  • Stop if you feel anxious or dizzy.

Elise Mitchell is the Health and Wellness Coordinator for Second Nature Entrada. To learn more about Second Nature for Adults contact one of our admissions counselors.


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