Posted by Cassidy Miller, MA, MFT Therapist at Cascades on June 27, 2016 |
Clients come to the wilderness wounded. Some wounds are obvious and come with overt behaviors that identify them as in need of repair. Some wounds one is not yet even aware of, having lived life a certain skillful way orchestrated to disguise and not feel pain. Often words don’t suffice in the healing of this sort of trauma and deep seeded hurt.
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Posted by Cassidy Miller, MA, MFT, Therapist at Cascades on November 18, 2015 |
Mandala, [muhn-dl-uh], noun
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Posted by Cassidy Miller, M.A. on March 09, 2015 |
All of the stories and cases that I can think of—those that have impacted the way that I conceptualize therapy and what works and how I "do" what I "do"— boil down to a few basic themes. Within each theme there is one glaring force that trumps all. That is, the quality and nature of the relationship I had with each person that came my way.
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