Elinor Priest

Viewing entries posted in 2020

Marking a Moment

Posted by Elinor Priest on September 23, 2020 | 0 comment(s)

E5599A37 6445 4BBF A412 8D7097433B0BThe meaning that we ascribe to elements in our lives and experiences is powerful. Over half a century ago, Albert Ellis created an entire theory, Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy, discussing how we, as humans, ascribe meaning to an experience; that the way that we interpret it will give rise to the emotions we hold about it.

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The Power of Monsoons

Posted by Elinor Priest on May 06, 2020 | 0 comment(s)

Screen Shot 2020 05 04 at 8.43.03 AMOne of my favorite times of year in the desert is monsoon season. From mid-to-late summer there are almost daily thunderstorms and monsoons. The sky is wide enough that you can watch storm clouds roll toward you for an hour before they are overhead. The sky goes from bright and sunny to ominous and dark grey with a purplish tinge. Right before the rain hits everything seems to still, and then a slight breeze picks up that cues the downpour. The rain hits the ground with enough force that you can see tiny impact craters in the sand. The water often runs over sand and rock and creates washes as it flows downhill. Thunder and lightning crash and light up the sky in an elemental way that makes you very aware of your decision to be working outside.

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